Saturday, May 17, 2014

Inside your smartphone (Introduction)

We live in an era where our gadgets are an integral part of our daily life. Metal versus plastic versus glass, mega-pixels, screen size, battery capacity, CPU cores, RAM, storage capacity, and more all get thrown around in advertisements and other places while trying to convince us their product is better than their competitor. Yes, we do agree that all those all important, but what do all the numbers really mean? and more importantly what do they translate into for the average Joe

So while checking out a smartphone to buy, you might encounter a table called it's specifications (like shown below).

Now, every week we will show you and teach you what every part of the smartphone does and what you should consider while buying a smartphone. Hang on tight to TheEverythingNow for this new article series coming soon!

Part 1: The Processor

Part 2: The Operating System

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