Wednesday, April 23, 2014

TechNow: Samsung Gear Fit sells out

If you’re looking to pick up a fitness tracker, you probably have more options than you know what to do with: Fitbit, Jawbone, Nike, or even a general-purpose smartwatch like Pebble. This year, we saw Samsung introduce a couple new models to its Gear family, including the Gear Fit, a stripped-down wearable that sort of bridged the gap between display-less trackers and more flexible smartwatches. We weren’t sure if the band’s $200 price tag might scare a lot of shoppers away, either driving them to more affordable or more full-featured offerings. Now early reports of sales are in, and it looks like Samsung actually has a win on its hands, selling out of its initial Gear Fit stock.
While the 200K to 250K Gear Fit models that have reportedly been sold already aren’t quite smartphone-level numbers, the fact that Samsung was able to move so many wearables in a scant ten days is solidly impressive on its own accord.
That said, we wonder how many of these purchases were made alongside a new Galaxy S5 phone. It’s going to be a lot easier to convince a shopper already paying many hundreds of dollars for a new phone to cough up just a little more to flesh-out the experience they’ll get with the addition of a wearable, compared to convincing customers who may already own an older Samsung model to invest in this new technology. Source

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